Episode-19: Sake Glassware Creation w/ Wolfgang Angyal of Riedel Japan (Pt. 1)

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The Sake On Air team recently gathered at the Japan offices of Riedel, renowned Austrian wine varietal-specific glassware makers, to meet with Japan’s President and CEO Wolfgang Angyal in order to learn about the nearly two-decade process that went into producing two pieces of highly influential, sake-specific glassware: the Daiginjo Glass, and the more recent, Junmai Glass.
Over nearly three hours, Sebastien, Rebekah, Chris, Marie and Justin got an in-depth rundown on the philosophy, process and journey that fueled the creation of both the Daiginjo and Junmai glasses, followed by an interactive tasting and simultaneous Q&A.
For part 1 this week, Wolfgang outlines how Riedel’s unique and innovative sake-specific glassware came to fruition. For part 2 (coming soon), you’ll get the live tasting and the discussion that ensued organically throughout the process.
This two-part episode is a bit of a new experiment for us here at Sake On Air. We’d love to hear your thoughts, not just about the content of the show, but also about the format. Are there any other shows of this nature that you’d like for us to make happen? Let us know!
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Sake On Air is made possible with the generous support of the Japan Sake and Shochu Makers Association and is broadcast from the Japan Sake & Shochu Information Center in Tokyo. The show is a co-production between Potts.K Productions and Export Japan, with audio engineering by Frank Walter.
Thanks for listening.
Until next week, Kampai!